Mysteries Revisited: The Chilling Alien Abduction Incident A70

A well-known paranormal activity podcast in America has revived and covered one of Scotland’s most well-known UFO cases.

On 27 August 1992, shortly after 11.30 pm, while ambulance technician Gary Wood and his friend Colin Wright were traveling between Edinburgh and Tarabrax, the frightening A70 event is said to have taken place.

They claim to have encountered a two-layer disc-shaped UFO that was larger than the width of the road as they drove across the Harperrig Reservoir on their route to deliver a satellite system to their friend. They claim that it was unquestionably neither a plane nor a helicopter.

They went on to describe the thing as smooth, black, shiny and windowless. The men were scared and amazed at the same time.

The two collapsed during the ordeal and arrived at their destination disoriented and confused, but more worryingly, it took them two hours to travel the 30 minutes it was supposed to take them to get there.

The next morning, Gary reported feeling exhausted and finding it difficult to get out of bed due to the weight of his body. Then he started having nightmares in his sleep.

The two young men were particularly concerned about the time remaining, and although their friends and family didn’t believe it, they were sure that something unusual had happened that night. They then contacted Malcolm Robinson, the creator of Strange Phenomena Investigations, as a result (SPI).

Malcolm originally intended to disprove paranormal phenomena like poltergeists and UFOs, but he found himself drawn to the field when encounters seemed to require in-depth research.

According to Robinson’s account on the “Somewhere In The Skies” podcast, Gary called him and detailed the A70 event. Malcolm commented that his first impression of this story was that it was by far the best he had ever seen.

As a result, Gary and Colin underwent hypnotic regression to access their repressed memories. The two men recalled nearly identical situations in separate sessions.

They claimed that after a light hit their cars, six humanoid creatures appeared and placed them on a stretcher that hovered above the ground. They started shaking after getting an electric shock at that time.

Colin was escorted to a chair where he was stripped naked and given a medical examination during the session. Colin remembered the ship as being a spherical thing. Then, he said, a device with a triangular head and two red lights rose from the ground to scan him while he was trapped in a glass container.

An excruciating pain like a red-hot poker was felt in the center of Colin’s right eye as he remembered his right eye being inspected. He concluded by calling the aliens hideous and disgusting.

Gary remembered buzzing around him and a black lens looking down at his body. He claimed that the spacecraft was home to 20 to 30 creatures, each of which had what appeared to be Native American markings under their eyes.

But the repetition of the word “sanctuary” by an alien they spoke to startled them. Gary went on to say that the entity had claimed that although humans were more technologically sophisticated than they were, their potential had been “limited”.

Gary and Colin stated that when they were brought back to the automobile and woke up from their experience, they discovered items strewn across the floor from inside the vehicle and that white crystallization continued to affect the car for weeks after the incident.

One of the most plausible and intriguing alien encounters to occur in Scotland, according to Malcolm and the podcast’s producers.

Since then, men have never changed their accounts. The Ministry of Defense took the ‘hijacking’ so seriously that it investigated it and filed an official report, according to documents that have since been classified and made public by the British government in 2012.


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