NASA study: many extraterrestrial artifacts could be hidden on our planet

NASA study: many extraterrestrial artifacts could be hidden on our planet –

It could be argued that the best way for man to find extraterrestrial existence is to travel far into space and study distant galaxies.
NASA research shows that the truth about aliens could be right under our noses.
Space experts from hundreds of countries have joined forces in an effort to determine how our species can discover “technological signatures.” This is evidence pointing to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The truth could be found not in outer space, but on our planet.
Some warning signs are obvious. If many radio waves emanating from distant star systems are detected, it could be an indicator that the system harbors intelligent aliens.
By looking for Dyson Spheres (hypothetical power plants placed around a star to harness its energy), we can explore extraterrestrial civilizations.
Because they are expected to be massive and block starlight every time they pass in front of the sun, they would be easy to see.
Other tech signatures are harder to spot, like indications that a world has been polluted with major industries.
The latest article also makes the fascinating claim that alien artifacts may be hiding on Earth. These could possibly have been created by extinct civilizations from Mars or Venus.
The researchers claimed that it was possible that Earth harbored such artifacts due to incomplete geological, archaeological, and paleontological records. This idea is sometimes confused with popular unscientific imaginations or science fiction stories about extraterrestrial visitation. Therefore, caution should be exercised.
“If interstellar technology signatures are detected in the Solar System, it would make sense to examine their origin.”
“Specifically, Earth is home to the only species capable of interstellar communications and planetary travel (despite both technologies being in their early stages), so it remains the only planet that can support technological life. It, or a habitable Mars, Venus, or primitive Venus could even be the source of such technology.

Although our species has yet to discover an extraterrestrial element, experts believe that it was created naturally and not artificially.
An artist represents ‘Oumuamua’, which in Hawaiian means messenger.
“Oumuamua,” a comet or asteroid, was a speedy extraterrestrial vehicle that streaked through our solar system at breakneck speeds in 2017. After traveling through deep space, it became the first “interstellar visitor” to be seen in our stellar neighborhood.
It changed course after crossing the sun. This could have been caused by the release of gases, but there is a possibility that it was guided.
Some scientists thought that “Ouamuamua” was an extraterrestrial probe. Others speculated, however, that our solar system could be teeming with alien spacecraft.
However, it was a comet that had been ejected from a distant star and sent on a long journey through space.
The researchers added the following information to their latest study:
“Technological signatures in our solar system could include probes or structures that are free to move through the solar system, in orbit around the Sun, other bodies or structures, and other evidence of technology on the planetary surface.”

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