Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk About a “Space-Time Modification Weapon”

The US Navy\’s “U̳F̳O̳” patents sound like they were straight out of a science fiction novel.

The US Navy has filed patents for strange and obscure technologies. According to patents filed by the Navy, work is underway on a compact fusion reactor capable of powering a city, an engine powered by “inertial mass reduction” and a “hybrid aerospace-submarine vehicle,” as well as a “quantum engine” patent. alteration of reality.

Called “U̳F̳O̳ patents,” these are not mere fantasies. The US Navy sponsors the building of prototypes of some unusual technologies to prove that they work.

Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais is the man behind the patents. Pais has worked in various departments of the Navy, including the Naval Air Force Center Aircraft Division (NAVAIR/NAWCAD) and the Strategic Systems Programs Division. He is responsible for developing submarine-launched Trident-class nuclear missile technology.

Reading these patents, one gets the impression that the UFO probably belongs to us, and not to the brothers from outer space.

All the patents complement each other, but are based on what Pais called the “Country effect.”

Pais claims to use electromagnetic fields with the proper rotation to slow down the fusion reaction. This plasma fusion reaction, which he claims to have invented, will revolutionize energy consumption. Experts suggest that a working fusion reactor will lead to cheap and ubiquitous energy.

One of the Pais and the Navy patents describes what the fusion engine and propulsion system will be used for: a “hybrid aerospace submersible vehicle.”

According to the patent, the ship could travel over land, sea and space at incredible speeds. Other patents invented by Pais and filed with the Navy include “high-temperature superconductor,” “electromagnetic field generator,” and “high-frequency gravitational wave generator.”

Do you remember that U̳F̳O̳s filmed by the military can also fly through the air, space and dive underwater. An interesting coincidence, right?

It all sounds like science fiction, and the Navy was also skeptical. Navy leadership dismissed Pais\’s inventions as nonsense, and his patents underwent a lengthy internal review at NAVAIR.

W̳a̳r̳ Zone received emails about bureaucratic infighting between Pais and the Navy through a FOI request and found that the mad scientist had won.

According to the patents, some of the technologies are “workable.” This means that the Navy claims that some of Pais\’ wild technology works and has been proven to the Navy.

The physics of what Pais asserts is beyond the theory and understanding of the layman or humble science reporter. But a paper about their densified fusion reactor was accepted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers\’ peer-reviewed journal Transactions on Plasma Science and published in the November 2019 issue. If you\’re reading this, it means this content has been stolen from anoma̳l̳i̳e̳n̳.com, and those who copied the text did not notice it. But our lawyers will.

“The fact that my work on the design of a compact fusion reactor has been accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS should speak to its importance and credibility, and should eliminate (or at least mitigate) all concepts erroneous that you (or anyone else) may be concerned about the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts,” Pais said in a letter to The W̳a̳r̳ Zone.

“Understand that the culmination of my work is the creation of the Country effect (the original physical concept),” he said. “Such high-energy [electromagnetic] radiation can interact locally with the vacuum energy state (VES) – VES is the fifth state of matter (the quintessence – quintessence), in other words, the fundamental structure (base) to from which everything else arises (including space-time) in our quantum reality. Engineering the Country effect could lead to the creation of a new macroscopic quantum reality, the importance of which, if you have followed my work closely, you will understand.”

Pais\’ emails sound like the ravings of a mad scientist, but the P̳e̳n̳t̳a̳g̳o̳n̳ has a history of successfully developing cutting-edge technology. More than 100 years ago, nuclear weapons were science fiction. GPS, the TOR network, and the Internet began as P̳e̳n̳t̳a̳g̳o̳n̳ programs.

Perhaps soon the Navy will revolutionize our understanding of energy and transportation. And, of course, it\’s interesting, but what did the scientists behind the screen manage to invent

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