Michio Kaku: “Very soon we will see traffic jams on the Moon”

One of today’s leading theoretical physicists, Michio Kaku, an expert in the field theory that generated so much controversy, predicted that, with the advancement of science, we will soon see “traffic” on the Moon.

For Michio Kaku, the future of humanity will depend entirely on space exploration. He believes that, in the not-so-distant future, going to the moon will not be strange, and there may even be traffic jams.

Michio Kaku and the future of humanity
Perhaps, the first person responsible for scientific popularization has become so popular worldwide.

A man who was born into a humble family, but who still managed to create an atomic particle collider weighing over 200 kilograms, capable of creating a magnetic field 20,000 times more powerful than that of a person… in high school. Young Kaku’s goal was to generate a beam of gamma rays powerful enough to create antimatter.

Such a school project for the science fair in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, was fascinated. So he was recommended, getting a scholarship to study at Harvard.

Michiu Kaku was at the World Congress of Ufology in Barcelona in 2019, where he spoke about many things. Especially about the future of humanity.

Extinction is common in nature, so it is inevitable that the race will face some crisis of survival.

Ensures our “insurance policy” is in space. Humanity is beginning the second golden age of space travel. The first was with the Apollo missions, which cost 5% of US GDP. Something that is currently inaccessible.

However, costs have now dropped thanks to private companies and non-superpower countries.

Michio Kaku: «The future of humanity is in space»
“Many of their investors have a vision and that’s why they spend so much money. For example, Elon Musk has dreamed of interplanetary travel since childhood. In turn, Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, wants the Earth to be a garden, so that heavy industry leaves the atmosphere.

the advancement of science
In the 1960s, the United States’ priority was to beat the Russians. After achieving it, space exploration took a back seat, there was no incentive or investment. Now there’s money and new ideas. For this reason, he is convinced that going to the moon will not be strange and there will even be transit thanks to private transport.

He even gave his opinion on the progress of robotic engineering; Musk assures us that robots will replace humans and that Zuckerberg believes they will bring us prosperity. It will bring benefits to him, but do not entrust all the burden to them. At some point they will become self-sufficient.

The best robotics engineers say that, at the moment, the artificial intelligence they have is very basic, and they can already do everything they do today.

In fact, Michio Kaku believes that they will soon achieve rat-like intelligence. Then that of a dog. When they reach the intelligence of a monkey we will have to worry.

There is no doubt that Michio Kaku is one of the most important minds of our time and that, for him, the future of humanity is outside our borders, it should be considered a priority.

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