For thousands of years, at least four alien species from Andromeda have been former astronauts.

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer said that aliens not only exist, but also live among humans. He claimed that four alien species have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. During his service in the army, Paul Hellyer, who held high public office during the Cold War in the 1960s, claimed to have discovered with certainty the existence of extraterrestrials. According to him, extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for centuries.

The 90-year-old former minister backed up his claims by citing an incident in 1961 in which Canada observed a group of 50 unexplained flying objects traveling from the Soviet Union to Europe. Then all of a sudden this group of items flew to the North Pole and disappeared. The investigation of this episode lasted three years, according to Hellyer, and unequivocally demonstrated that extraterrestrial cultures flew to Earth to ensure that humanity did not use nuclear weapons.

According to Hellyer, extraterrestrials already exist on our planet: most extraterrestrials look and act like humans, making them almost invisible in the human population. He originally said publicly in 2005 that he believes governments are hiding an extraterrestrial presence, claiming that UFOs are as common in our skies as airplanes. “A lot of the media won’t touch it, so we just have to keep working on it until we hit critical mass, and then they’ll say, Mr. President or Mr. Prime Minister, we want the truth now because it affects our lives,” she says.

He claimed that extraterrestrials from various star systems, including the Pleiades and Andromeda, had visited Earth. “There are extraterrestrials from Andromeda as well as those residing on one of Saturn’s moons. There is a federation of these people, and they have laws, one of which is that they do not interfere in our affairs until we invite them.”

A former Canadian Secretary of Defense has claimed that extraterrestrials are not aggressive and have a wealth of information. Guests from other planets, on the other hand, are still unwilling to share their knowledge with humanity, he said, as they fear that Earthlings might use it for wars instead of good.

“Visitors from other worlds warned us about the path we took decades ago and offered to help,” he said. Instead, some of us mistook his visits for a threat and opted to shoot first and ask questions later.

Ironically, the United States is fighting terribly expensive wars in other countries, ostensibly to bring democracy to those nations, when it can no longer consider itself a democratic country because billions, if not thousands, of dollars have been spent on secret projects that both Congress and the Commander-in-Chief remained in the dark.”

Alex Collier, a known alien contact, has claimed that he has been in contact with aliens from the Andromeda constellation for over 30 years. Multiple visits to extraterrestrial spacecraft and decades of telepathic communication were part of their encounter.

Collier claimed that Earth was under the rule of “regressive” extraterrestrials in several interviews. These extraterrestrials arrived on Earth from the Alpha Draconis star system. According to him, humanity is divided by two philosophical belief systems. One conveys love and freedom of choice, while the other demonstrates control and use of resources. (To read the full story, click here.)

Collier said in his final lecture before he retired from the UFO conference circuit in 2002 that the ancient extraterrestrial race known as the “Founders” are responsible for creating the environment of the planets and making them conducive to life. This ancient alien race was known as “Paa Tal” by the Andromedans and Pleiadians.

Gray extraterrestrials, also known as Zeta Reticulans, were not really extraterrestrials, according to retired US Army officer Philip J. Corso, but bio-robots developed to work on other planets. He said that no one had ever seen real aliens and that all witnesses or abductees had simply seen “bio-robots” with big heads and black eyes.

On June 19, Hellyer collapsed and hit his head, causing him to lose the ability to walk and briefly lose the ability to communicate. He spent nearly a month recovering in St. Michael in Toronto before returning home. He died there on August 8, 2021.

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