The great secrets of Nikola Tesla and antigravity technology

* Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men that could have existed. * If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today wouldn’t have reached one-tenth of what it is today * But, did Tesla do anything else? We refer to something more hidden and mysterious… In fact, Tesla publicly proclaimed that he had maintained contact with extraterrestrial beings.

There are so many indications and investigations about antigravity technology that have been left in the air, that it is totally plausible to indicate that it has existed for many years and one of the first characters that took it into account in his experiments was Nikola Tesla.

There are many illustrated texts by 20th century genius outlining ideas for amazing technology that would not require fossil fuels.

As Tesla himself explained, the Earth is

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most mysterious brains that ever lived. If he hadn’t made his discoveries during his lifetime, today’s technology wouldn’t have come close to half of what it is today.

Beyond the vast array of important inventions and scientific breakthroughs that Tesla made in his lifetime, the curious fact is that the famous inventor claimed to have been associated with off-planet entities as well. This is considered a great mystery within his work and life.

Antigravity technology is proven to exist and Nikola Tesla was among the first to experiment with it. It has been seen that many of his ideas and research related to this concept were floating through the air.

In the past, there were clients with a creative idea of a modern technology without dependence on non-renewable fuels. This was documented in various writings of the intellectual of his time that describe these incredible visions.

In Tesla’s opinion, the Earth is a place…

“like a charged metal ball moving through space”

Sudden changes in the intensity of a force that decreases as you move away from Earth, such as gravity, are generated by a considerable electrostatic force.

People who follow the content of are well aware that Tesla was a true innovator in his day by his discoveries and achievements related to the topics that have been dealt with here.

Tesla is known for advocating for a future where free energy was available to all, but what his inventions and discoveries reveal goes far beyond this simple vision.

Tesla’s influence has been enormous in the world. From radio to X-rays, television, fluorescent lighting, and radar, all of these inventions would not exist if it weren’t for the genius of inventor Nikola Tesla. This enormous variety of discoveries not only make his name immortal, but also radically change our lives as we knew them before his arrival on the planet.

William R. Lyne, described as an expert in Tesla’s work, wrote “Occult Ether Physics” based on documents found at the scientist’s residence. These notes suggested that Tesla had been investigating what might be antigravity.

According to what Lyne affirms in his book, Nikola Tesla was working hard during the last years of his life to develop a new propulsion system that would work thanks to the energy of the ether. An invention that would allow objects to be moved by means of this force.

To enrich his speculations, the author of the book was inspired by the talks given by Tesla recently, speeches that also talked about his findings in relation to physics and that would change the way humans understood the world.

Nikola Tesla filed a patent that resembled an aircraft, but without a typical combustion engine at the time, meaning it was similar to a plane and a helicopter at the same time. This was his last patent before he disappeared from the scientific scene in 1928.

The vehicle featured a novel propulsion system that altered the way we understood flight.

Lyne writes that during his appearance before the Immigrant Welfare Institute, Nikola Tesla mentioned his Dynamic Theory of Gravity, an unusual and difficult theory to understand.

“One of the two far-reaching discoveries, which he developed in all details in the years 1893 and 1894.”

In the years of 1893 and 1894, his work began to bear fruit with really surprising results; two relevant facts that were clearly explained.

The force field of the dynamic theory of gravity was a new definition that explained kinetic motions within space without taking spatial curvature into account (Einstein Rosen). The ether plays a key role here, be it regulating the phenomena of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and motion of celestial bodies, or for all atomic and molecular matter.

Interestingly, Tesla wrote down and explained one of his most remarkable discoveries in a paper titled The Greatest Achievement of Man. He shared that he was filling space with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity, also known as “luminiferous ether.”

According to Tesla’s theory, there is an invisible but creative energy that permeates space and is part of nature. This force is contained in a luminous ether.

The origin of all life is known to come from the ether, a force that makes it flow in slow, endless streams. These forces are translated into ponderable matter, and when their energy diminishes, the elements they had formed return to the ether. This means that man is able to take advantage of these processes for his benefit.

The ether matter was suddenly released.

Experiment with the materials and energy collected to produce whatever one has in mind.

Changing the volume of the Earth is a controversial idea, as many believe this could have negative consequences for the planet. Some raise the possibility of modifying the sizes of the globe, increasing or decreasing its diameter and mass. These possibilities worry scientists, who try to anticipate all the repercussions before carrying out any type of intervention on the planet.

Controlling the weather conditions on Earth has been a topic of growing concern, especially when it comes to discovering ways to manipulate the weather. This idea is known as controlling ground stations.

Travel through the cosmos as a spaceship, guiding the path of the Earth.

Trying to collide planets in the hope of generating new stars and suns, a process that could be started.

Tesla’s theories suggested that the space around the Earth was affected by a dense, fluid energy called “Tesla’s ether.” This force was stabilized by electromagnetic fluctuations, thus moving all the elements related to gravity, inertia and momentum. This is what the prestigious inventor based his investigations and ideas about the ether.

“Planet Earth is a metal ball with electrical charges that floats through the vacuum in space.”
Heavy electrostatic units with a large amount of energy fluctuate suddenly, but decrease drastically as you move away from the point on earth from which they originated, just as the force of gravity does.

“Gravity is a movement whose origin comes from the earth’s surface and is directed downwards, impacting everything on the planet.”
Writings of Nicola Tesla, 1894, Chapter XXV – Introduction – The scope of Tesla’s lectures.

Tesla, in a movement contrary to what most conventional theories and knowledge affirmed, stated…

«I am determined to definitively conclude a project that makes evident the multiple forces that affect the Universe, and the effects of those on the stars. The aim of this paper is to finish what people mistakenly think about the subject of curved space.
The only reason the observed behavior of celestial bodies can be explained is due to a Force Weld and does not require consideration of any spatial curvature.
The scholarly literature on the cosmos lacks value or utility if the ether and its importance in the changes that occur in the Universe are not considered. Thus, all efforts to achieve a correct explanation without including the energy of the etheric field are doomed to failure and oblivion.”
It is said that the scientist Nikola Tesla winked at unrestrained energy in his latest work, directly related to the environment.

To be successful in the results, a method that exchanges energy for a higher force, known as electropulsion, could be used. This would have enough force to counteract gravity, allowing you to finish the job much faster and generating results greater than 1.


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