Discovering the ancient tropical paradise of Antarctica: known to our ancestors and forgotten by history

To discover more details about our most A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ roots, the ideal place to start looking is Antarctica. These remains are scattered everywhere, so we must see the territory of the southern continent to try to reconstruct an overall image of our history.
Recent research is showing that humans of the past were much more sophisticated than previously thought. These c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳s seemed to have had the ability to travel across the entire planet without any impediment. The technology and knowledge of these peoples far exceeded what we have now achieved using modern techniques, which raises interesting questions about the currently accepted history.
Antarctica\’s ice sheet is being eroded as the climate changes, revealing peculiar shapes. Between them are steep mountains with perfect symmetries that look like pyramids, and suggests the hypothesis that some human beings would have existed in this inhospitable place and have been free to travel across the Earth from one pole to the other.
Antarctica is an immense surface covered mainly by ice that covers almost 15 million square kilometers. If placed on a map over North America, its extent would extend from southern Texas to the farthest islands in northern Canada. What is interesting is that it is made up of a thick layer of ice that reaches almost 4.5 kilometers in some parts and hosts very low temperatures, with averages that drop to -55 °C.

Antarctica appears as a desolate and lifeless continent, where icy cold reigns over the few animals that inhabit it. However, is it true? Are there hidden events that can be discovered behind the uninhabited appearance of this region?
The Norwegians beat the British to get to Antarctica first. This was only in 1911, although Captain James Cook had come close to her with his crew one hundred and thirty-eight years before, but he never reached the White Continent. Antarctica is now seen as a 20th century discovery, due to the previous discovery of the North Pole with its arctic region.
After the Europeans arrived in this remote and frozen region, they undertook some missions in search of resources. It is not a secret that the Ɲαzιs showed interest in the frozen zone, as well as Admiral Byrd under the US flags, as well as many other groups and institutions to this day. There has been a lot of discussion about possible secret bases that might still exist there, however that will be a topic for another article.
Its vast expanses of ice and its freezing temperatures make Antarctica seem like an inhospitable place, but beyond this image it comes to mind that recent discoveries have shown us the existence of a happy and w̳a̳r̳m atmosphere in that place. Researchers agree that the desolate continent was once filled with w̳a̳r̳mth, sun, beaches and a lush landscape for those living things that depended on it for survival.

Scientific theory states that tens of millions of years ago there was a tropical environment on the planet, a place where some wild animals enjoyed this situation that escapes us human beings. As time passes and the evolution of the climate, now what we have is a cold frozen ground, home to penguins and some marine mammals. This is what is really interesting.
Historians were surprised to discover two A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ maps which showed a different region of Antarctica than what we know now. One of them, that of Piri Reis, reveals Queen Mauls Land without ice. The other, the Oronteus Finaeucs, even shows the entire continent without the presence of the white element. This prompted the question: how was it that the A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳s could know this something that was only confirmed a century ago? And of course, where had all that vast amount of ice disappeared from?
In the year 1929 a map created by Piri Reis was found that was made with the skin of an animal. After many studies, it was concluded that this document is authentic and was created by the admiral\’s assistants in 1513. He was a highly respected man within the navy and due to his Turkish origin, he had privileged access to multiple sources. of academic information such as what belonged to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

On one side, the Piri Reis map illustrated with details about the Antarctic region can be seen; while on the other side, the map of Oronteus Finaeus is observed, also showing an ice-free part of the area.

It is believed that Ptolemy\’s map was made from different existing maps, which could date from before Christ. These, some were made by contemporary sailors of the admiral himself and others were from the famous library sanctuary of Alexandria that was later destroyed. Fortunately, original documents and insignia were transferred to Constantinople along with other culturally relevant centers.

In the year 1204, the knowledge acquired over thousands of years in A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ Constantinople was released and the Thurcan maps and tomes were seized by the Europeans. This included many of the near-Arctic, Americas, and Antarctic seas, which leads us to wonder how this was possible if this landmass wasn\’t discovered until the 20th century.

Within his work entitled “Maps of the A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ Sea Kings”, Dr. Charles Hapgood offered his point of view on seemingly contradictory issues related to this topic.

Evidence suggests that the information contained in these navigational charts has been passed down through generations by some unknown community. The fact was confirmed when the Minoans and Phoenicians, as a result of their maritime skills, took the documentation to the Library of Alexandria to be analyzed by specialist scholars.

It is hard to believe that A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ humans, with some sort of navigational tool and conversant with pinpointing their locations, could have traversed the planet from one pole to the other. Evidence suggests that they also sometimes visited Antarctica, when their lands were not covered by a blanket of snow and ice. His knowledge regarding the measurement of lengths was far greater than any existing technological advance until almost the beginning of the 18th century.

Scientists claim that Antarctica is millions of years old, however the Piri Reis map contradicts that theory as it reveals that the northern part of the continent had been mapped long before ice formed. These actions could mean that some advanced form of human existed thousands of years ago, or they could be the product of mapping techniques hardened by creatures with intelligence similar to ours.

The second theory of human origins contradicts what modern scientific studies have revealed about the first known c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳: the Sumerians. It is known that they suddenly arose in a place located in the center of the East, but nothing indicates that they had any ability related to the sea or navigation. Furthermore, they tell about how A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ people used to view certain individuals as gods due to their exceptional characteristics and handled them as A̳n̳u̳n̳n̳a̳k̳i̳.

Recent research in Antarctica indicates that the last time it was free of ice was approximately 6,000 years ago. This is a great sign that some A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ navigators already knew and had mapped the region before, and there is evidence that complex maps of the world made by them existed as early as 4,000 BC.

As a result of the remarkable scientific advances made by Egyptian scholars, this amount of documents were gathered in the Library of Alexandria. However, long ago this library was destroyed, which meant a great loss of A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ wisdom. Fortunately, now thanks to the efforts of scholars, the pieces of the puzzle are back together.

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