From Beyond the Veil: Could Aliens and UFOs Be Interdimensional Interlopers?

Multiverse travel, time, black hole, universe, dimension.

From Beyond the Veil: Could Aliens and UFOs Be Interdimensional Interlopers?

The UFO phenomenon has long been a mystery to us. What causes the myriad cases of sightings and even encounters with extraterrestrials in lore? Many answers have been raised, from the most rational to the most bizarre, but one of the main ideas has been that they are possibly extraterrestrial visitors from beyond the solar system, who have crossed a sea of stars to visit us for reasons. that we don’t know Maybe now I can’t understand. But what if that’s not really the case? What if these beings are not from another solar system or galaxy, but from another reality that sits next to ours? Could they not be aliens from other planets, but rather something that pierces the veil to intrude into our dimension from another Let’s see.
Much has been made about the so-called “multiverse”, in which a multitude of superimposed realities and dimensions exist, our reality as we perceive it is one of many, possibly infinite, other universes that all exist together. Although only in recent years has the concept of a multiverse and parallel dimensions really been seriously explored and proposed as a source of extraterrestrial intelligences, the core idea of other dimensions is actually not particularly new. In the 19th century, the concept of other dimensions was popular among occultists and spiritualists, championed primarily by the Russian mystic and author and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. She proposed a complex cosmology consisting of seven “planes” or subtle states, levels, or regions of reality, and although she made it popular she was not the first to have spread such ideas. The notion of what is called the ether (“ether”) had been postulated since the ancient Greeks, and was adopted by Blavatsky and other spiritualists and mystics to describe another plane of existence beyond the “lower planes” of solid, liquid, and liquid. and fizzy. matter, often called the etheric plane. As this idea was embraced by Spiritualists and Theosophists, it developed into a complete and complex philosophy and worldview that incorporated the idea that there were actually many other planes or subtle worlds or dimensions that permeate our physical planet, the solar systems. and everybody. physical structures of the universe, and that were inhabited by other entities. In essence, an early version of the multiverse. and although she popularized it, she was not the first to spread such ideas. The notion of what is called the ether (“ether”) had been postulated since the ancient Greeks, and was adopted by Blavatsky and other spiritualists and mystics to describe another plane of existence beyond the “lower planes” of solid, liquid, and liquid. and fizzy. matter, often called the etheric plane. As this idea was embraced by Spiritualists and Theosophists, it developed into a complete and complex philosophy and worldview that incorporated the idea that there were actually many other planes or subtle worlds or dimensions that permeate our physical planet, the solar systems. and everybody. physical structures of the universe, and that were inhabited by other entities. In essence, an early version of the multiverse. and although she popularized it, she was not the first to spread such ideas. The notion of what is called the ether (“ether”) had been postulated since the ancient Greeks, and was adopted by Blavatsky and other spiritualists and mystics to describe another plane of existence beyond the “lower planes” of solid, liquid, and liquid. and fizzy. matter, often called the etheric plane. As this idea was embraced by Spiritualists and Theosophists, it developed into a complete and complex philosophy and worldview that incorporated the idea that there were actually many other planes or subtle worlds or dimensions that permeate our physical planet, the solar systems. and everybody. physical structures of the universe, and that were inhabited by other entities. In essence, an early version of the multiverse.

The idea was taken up by a wide variety of high-profile spiritualists, occultists, and mystics, but at first it had nothing to do with UFOs and was largely confined to occultism and spiritualism. It would not be until 1947, just when the “flying saucer” craze was beginning to take off, that the American academic and one of the first researchers in ufology and parapsychology, Meade Layne, would take the basic concept of these different planes and apply it to the emerging UFO phenomenon. . Layne believed that rather than advanced alien technology, the flying saucers were piloted by beings from a parallel dimension, which he called “Etheria,” that their ships were etheric in nature and were usually invisible but could be seen when its atomic movement became slow enough. . She proposed that what people were seeing in the skies were not aliens, but rather instances of witnessing phenomena from parallel dimensions bleeding into our own, which she called “interdimensional hypostases.” Layne would say: Objects may pass from an etheric level to a dense level of matter and then appear to materialize. Then they will return to etheric conditions. These visitors are not excarnated humans but human beings living in their own world. They come with good intentions. Do you have any idea of experimenting with terrestrial life? She would also add that these beings could be stranded on the Earth plane when their ether ships fail. Layne would go so far as to claim that she was in telepathic contact with these entities, and that those with well-developed psychic abilities could also communicate with them. He said his purpose was to slowly reveal his wisdom to humanity, and according to Layne, these entities had been appearing in our dimension for millennia, inspiring much of the earth’s mythology and religion, as well as various mythological or supernatural creatures. He also accused the government of knowing all about this and covering it all up. Even back then, in the infancy of the UFO research field, he was considered a bit of a fringe,

This was the first real genesis of what became the “interdimensional hypothesis,” and while for years it remained fairly lodged on the far fringes of the bizarre, even within the UFO community, some famous researchers came to embrace it, and in the The 1970s had a small but prominent following within the field. In 1960, respected and renowned paranormal author, UFO enthusiast, and author of the legendary book The Mothman Prophecies, John Keel was a proponent of the hypothesis, in 1967 stating:

I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations revealed a startling overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs. Objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate from another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructs of matter. We are more likely to see what we want to see and interpret such visions in accordance with our contemporary beliefs.

He proposed that sources of spiritual or non-human intelligence from a parallel realm had been appearing to humanity since time immemorial, and that they had the ability to influence the mind so that people would see what they wanted them to see. He believed that these interdimensional interlopers were possibly behind a host of other phenomena, including monsters, ghosts, demons, Central European fairy myths, vampire legends, sightings of anomalous creatures, religious apparitions, poltergeist phenomena, and UFOs, among others. many others, and that all these various disparate phenomena were some kind of cover for what is really going on. From this point of view, the only reason we saw them as alien spaceships and not, say, vampires, is because in our modern technological society that’s what we, or they, want us to see. He would call these entities “ultraterrestrials,Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects . Keel also discussed the interdimensional angle of the UFO phenomenon at length in his book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, which when published gave the idea more traction. In 1969, it was further propelled into speech when RAF Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard, a very high-ranking member of the British government, shared Keel’s views on the matter and referred to these interdimensional phenomena. as “paraphysical”. He would say of him:

While it may be that some UFO operators are normally the paraphysical inhabitants of a planet other than Earth, there is no logical necessity for this to be so. For, if the materiality of UFOs is paraphysical (and consequently normally invisible), UFOs might more plausibly be creations of an invisible world coincident with the space of our physical planet Earth than creations in the paraphysical realms of any other planet. physical in the solar system. . Since real UFOs are paraphysical, capable of reflecting light like ghosts; and also since (according to many observers) they remain visible when changing position at very high speeds from one point to another, it follows that those that remain visible in transition do not dematerialize for that rapid transition, and therefore their mass must be of diaphanous character (very diffuse),

The observed validity of this supports the paraphysical claim and makes the probability of the UFO being created on Earth greater than the probability of its creation on another planet. … The astral world of illusion, which (according to psychic evidence) is largely inhabited by illusionary-prone spirits, is well known for its manifold imaginative activities and exhortations. Apparently some of its inhabitants are eager to exemplify principalities and powers. Others pronounce on morality, spirituality, Deity, etc. All these astral exponents that invoke human consciousness may be sincere, but many of their theses may be framed to propagate some special ghost, perhaps from a previous incarnation, or to please a stubborn and continuous technological drive towards materialistic progress, or simply to astonish and disturb the gullible for the devil of it.

One famous UFO researcher who clung to the hypothesis was the computer scientist, venture capitalist, author, ufologist, and astronomer Jacques Vallée, who often spoke of what he called “entwined universes” and, like Keel, hypothesized that the existence of a non-universe. human consciousness, which may or may not possess a physical body or bodies, and which exists on or around earth on another plane and is capable of manipulating space, time, and consciousness in ways that we do not currently understand, and that could be capable of masquerading as a wide range of phenomena. The interdimensional hypothesis was also supported by Vallee’s mentor, American astronomer J. Allen Hynek, who served as scientific adviser to the US Air Force UFO studies: Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book. Hynek would say:

There could be another universe with different quantum rules or rates of vibration if you like. Our own space-time continuum could be a cross section through a universe with many more dimensions. … Think what it would cost you to convince an aborigine that right now, in this room, they are showing television images! Yet they are here. You have to have a transducer to see them, that is, a television. Well, in the same vein, there may be intertwined universes right here! We have this idea of space, we always think that another universe is somewhere else. Maybe not. Maybe it’s right here.

The idea that UFOs and aliens would somehow solve many of the lingering puzzles that have hung over many of the accounts. It would explain the ability of these entities to completely evade detection, appear and disappear at will, and also the wide range of bizarre details that occur in accounts of alien encounters and even abductions. It would also make sense because the universe is a very big place and there seems to be a lot of technical problems getting through it. The main obstacle to interstellar travel is the speed of light, which through a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 feet) or 186,282 miles per second. According to Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, on which much of modern physics is based, that’s it, that’s as fast as anything in the universe can go. This is not just a speed bump, but more of a brick wall, the unchanging universal speed limit that can never be exceeded. Although the reason why this should be so is incredibly complex, the basic explanation is that the faster you go, the more your spatial dimension shrinks in the forward direction and the slower your watch runs when seen by an outside observer. Space and time are not a fixed background that is the same everywhere, rather they can warp and bend, so essentially this means that when you go past the speed of light, you reach a point where your spatial dimension in the forward direction it is reduced to nothing and your watch slows to a stop. Essentially, since you are no longer moving forward and time stands still, you are now in a reference frame that does not exist, and therefore space and time do not exist beyond this point. Its alot,

The important takeaway here is that that’s what we’ve got, that’s as fast as we can go. That’s as fast as anything can go, and it’s a fundamental part of the way the universe works, but the problem is, it’s not fast enough. Let’s look at the closest star to Earth, which is Proxima Centauri, which is about 4.25 light-years away, about 40 trillion kilometers (25 trillion miles), so we can’t drive it. 4.5 light-years may not seem so bad, but to put it in perspective, if we were to take the fastest terrestrial spacecraft ever made, it would be the Parker Solar Probe, with a top speed of 450,000 miles (724,000 km) per hour, it would still take us about 6,633 years to reach that star. Even if we could somehow reach the speed of light, which we can’t, it would still take us 4.5 years to get there, which is quite a long journey. If we ever want to visit other star systems, it would take a long time unless we could break this battery. If the aliens haven’t been able to do that, it seems like it would be a logistical and practical nightmare to pull it off, come all that way. Is that really the most believable answer, or could it be that they haven’t spent decades traversing the void, but just jumped between dimensions to get here instantly? Would it be so hard to believe compared to the idea that they are aliens from another planet far away in the vast expanse of space? Is that really the most believable answer, or could it be that they haven’t spent decades traversing the void, but just jumped between dimensions to get here instantly? Would it be so hard to believe compared to the idea that they are aliens from another planet far away in the vast expanse of space? Is that really the most believable answer, or could it be that they haven’t spent decades traversing the void, but just jumped between dimensions to get here instantly? Would it be so hard to believe compared to the idea that they are aliens from another planet far away in the vast expanse of space?

In the end there is no way to really know. UFO and alien reports can be caused by anything, we just have no way of knowing. They could be from other worlds, other dimensions, or even time-traveling humans from the future. Who can say for sure? However, despite high-profile supporters, the idea of aliens and UFOs as interdimensional phenomena has remained largely unpopular in the UFO field in general, and has mostly been considered a fringe concept even within a field that encompasses all sorts of far others. concepts, without more evidence than that which supports the interdimensional hypothesis. While we may not know any time soon if the UFO accounts are aliens from other worlds, other natural phenomena, or just made-up nonsense, the idea that something may be bleeding into our reality from another dimension crashing into us doesn’t. seems to be unnecessarily far-fetched, and perhaps not an avenue of inquiry that should be dismissed out of hand. Whatever the final answers, it may be best to keep all options on the table. Someday the answers may come to us, but for now we can only look to the sky and wonder.


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