One of the topics that are very interesting to read are those related to the supposed existence of beings similar to prehistoric lizards, responsible for the belief that they live among us in a hidden way.
The idea that there are some people who are actually descendants of beings from another planet is more common than people think. This has been proven through experiments carried out by scientists and medical professionals. These visions can be produced with the help of various chemical drugs.

they are everywhere
Cultures from very ancient times frequently speak of dinosaur-like figures or creatures. This can be seen in the ancient region of Mesopotamia, where they have found archaeological pieces with similar images dating back approximately 7,000 years.

Ancient Sumerian manuscripts suggest that there was a class of beings called the Anunnaki who had great power over humans, and furthermore, were very similar to lizards.

In India the Vedas are known, where they express a belief about a race of Machiavellian creatures known as nagas, capable of transforming; while African folklore also has narrative chains referring to the Chitauri, menacing serpent-headed beasts.

The ancient inhabitants of South America worshiped Quetzalcoatl, known as the “Feathered Serpent.” In Asia, on the other hand, it is believed that the imperial lineage comes from the divine dragons.

Today there are periodic reports of encounters with reptilian-like beings that also manifest intelligence. These creatures are often identified as coming from outer space, that is, extraterrestrials.

Experiences with psychedelics
The University of New Mexico was involved in research on DMT, a naturally occurring psychedelic substance found in both flora and fauna.

Dr. Rick Strassman led the experiments involving 60 people who received injections of a particular substance. These doses were administered up to more than 40 times each volunteer.

To carry out the experiments, subjects who were healthy both physically and mentally were needed. To ensure a fair outcome, these people came from different backgrounds in terms of age, gender, nationality, profession, and religion. Likewise, for the experiments to be successful, there was no establishment of contact between them.

The researchers wanted to know more details about the subjects’ conditions, and most confirmed that their hallucinations were similar.

“Cold and scary”
At the beginning of the experiment, the person involved was surrounded by vibrant colors and an intense sound in his ears. Soon, she lost her body control to find herself floating inside an unknown room filled with mysterious devices.

There were some creatures in the environment that were very similar to lizards. They had huge eyes, legs, and claws, and their skin was quite hard to the touch.

During some of these encounters they would encounter robots whose design was similar to giant insects, as well as gray characters resembling the types that used to appear in science fiction movies. However, what scared the most were the reptilians, who communicated with people through telepathy.

Many people describe reptiles as aloof and intelligent, yet when dealing with them, many felt a deep sense of fear. This generated a lasting impression on those who lived through them.

There is an unraveled mystery about DMT-induced hallucinations. Some experts believe that this drug was able to activate regions of the human brain that were dormant until now.

Science has discovered that our senses are incapable of capturing the entire visible spectrum, this being only 0.005%. What this means is that there is a wide range of life forms and dimensions beyond the reach of humans. Some connoisseurs believe that psychedelia helps them to cross the barrier and reach other realities beyond our comprehension.

When it comes to their experiences with the altered state of consciousness, many people share similar images when looking back on it. This makes one wonder if the things, or mysterious entities that were seen, actually existed or still exist; perhaps they are past accumulations of information stored in genetic memory

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