UFO sank and surfaced from Lake Titicaca

In a town in Bolivia, witnesses swear they saw an unidentified flying object plunge into Lake Titicaca.

Video recording of the case report.

No site my_my_planet.com.ar Inca Garcilaso de la Vega relates that the founding of the Inca Empire, mixed with Tiahuanaco, was due to the kindness of the Sun Father, “who sent his daughter on a silver ray that descended to the island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca. She came to teach poor Indians how to weave wool, work the land and use metals.”

Since then, this lake has been associated with the “training of the gods,” which would influence the construction of not only the wonders of Tiahuanaco, but the beginning of the greatest empire South America has ever known.

Now, according to the ARV media, residents have taken pictures of a “disc-shaped metal object” that, like that ancient goddess, was supposed to be submerged by the Titicaca.

“They saw a strange device floating in place just before it plunged into the lake and then fired into space,” the journalist says, as heard in the following educational video:

It should be noted that the connection between UFOs and waters has received much publicity in recent years due to close encounters reported by the US Navy, which coined the term “transmedia” to refer to the ability of these objects to move both in space and in space, in the atmosphere. and underwater.

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