UFO researchers warn that a huge fleet of UFOs is heading for Earth at this time – Human life is at stake

A huge UFO fleet is approaching Earth ufologists say

A huge UFO fleet is approaching Earth ufologists say

A huge UFO fleet is approaching Earth ufologists say

A huge UFO fleet is approaching Earth ufologists say

We believed, even claimed, for a long time that we aren’t in the world alone and scientists said that there could be hundreds of advanced alien societies not far from earth a few months ago. Some might also be too advanced to interact with us. A paper reported in the science journal The Astrophysical Journal last June reports that at least 36 extraterrestrial cultures are extremely advanced in the Milky Way, according to scientific experts from the University of Nottingham, Great Britain.

But they go on to claim that the calculation is still conservative: it’s based on the premise that smart life forms as it forms on earth, utilizing what they term the Astrobiological Copernican Limit, on other worlds. The researchers also hypothesized that the Earth is not a special one if an Earth-like planet developed on a similar orbit around the Sun-like star, hosting a society that evolves technologically similar to humans, our galaxy will have around 36 civilizations.

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