Does alien life really exist on earth?

Many of us, skeptical as we may be, have believed at some point in our lives that extraterrestrial life exists. Either by some strange phenomenon that has no explanation or by witnessing flying “objects” with erratic movements in the sky. Even if it is because of some movie or documentary that made us change our minds about life outside our land. Exactly, outside our planet, in outer space. But what if we told you that aliens are already here, that aliens are on earth and mixing with us? There are hundreds of believers who claim that they not only exist, but are already on earth, living with us and learning from our cultures for some future purpose.

Is there extraterrestrial life on earth?

This is a somewhat delicate and difficult topic to touch, since there are many versions in the world that could generate a certain collective hysteria. But the CEO of Bigelow Aerospace, Robert Bigelow, is one hundred percent sure that aliens are closer than we think.

Bigelow is one of NASA’s space technology providers and a staunch believer in extraterrestrial life. In an interview last year, he assured that we humans should not look for aliens because they are already here, right under our noses.

Why did Robert Bigelow say that about Alien life?

Many ufologists assure that Bigelow has contacts within NASA from so many years of business relationship, so it is not normal for him to know secrets of the organization that have not been made public for some reason.

The remarks obviously had a tremendous impact on the public, and to this day, it continues to create a chain reaction. When the interviewer asked him if he wasn’t afraid of the reprisals that could be taken against him for his statements, the man replied with alarming calm that he didn’t care, whatever they did, he wasn’t going to change what they did. knew.

What does Robert Bigelow really know? Why did he dare to make such statements? Perhaps, at the age of 72, he got tired of hiding the truth.

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