A Russian physicist offers a revolutionary hypothesis about aliens

A Russian physicist offers a revolutionary hypothesis about aliens

The fact that humanity does not receive signals from other supposedly advanced civilizations gave rise to the so-called Fermi Paradox that exposes the contradiction that there are thousands of universes that harbor intelligent life and that humanity has not yet been able to contact with them.

Numerous researchers contributed hypotheses that could explain the paradox. Thus, they suggested that the aliens were hiding underwater or were dead. Or, that, perhaps, humans are the extraterrestrials themselves, who arrived on our planet billions of years ago. Physicist Alexandr Berezin from the Institute of Electronic Technology in Moscow published a study in which he added another hypothesis that could explain the Fermi Paradox.

At first, the scientist assumed that the first civilization to travel the galaxy will be the one that will eliminate all other civilizations to guarantee its expansion.

Berezin indicates that it is not very relevant what alien life is like: they can be biological organisms, an artificial intelligence or a kind of mind with a planetary-sized hive structure. The most important thing is not the problem of what such a civilization is like, but of what way does he behave According to the Fermi paradox, extraterrestrial civilization should be able to travel the galaxy or at least send signals.

However, in order to do so, a civilization must be extremely developed. According to Berezin, this development is inevitably linked to the displacement of less complicated species.

I am not suggesting that a highly developed civilization could consciously exterminate other forms of life. More likely, they would do it inadvertently, just as a group of workers destroys an anthill to build a building, simply because they lack any stimulus to protect it,” Berezin explains.

That is, a fairly advanced civilization could ‘conquer’ the galaxy and annihilate its neighbors, simply because it is capable of doing so.

The most peculiar idea of ​​the study is not that humans are on the verge of meeting a more civilized race, but that they could be the most civilized race itself that is eliminating other forms of life without being aware of it.

“Of course, I hope I’m wrong. The only way to verify this is to continue studying the universe and looking for extraterrestrial life”, concludes the researcher.

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Un físico ruso ofrece una hipótesis revolucionaria sobre los extraterrestres

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