News Alien – UFOs

Mars Rover Discovers Petrified Reptilian Face on Mars

While searching for anomalies in photos of Mars, Scott Waring, author of Daily UFO Sightings, says he “found two extraordinary things. First there was a face that resembles that of a lion or reptile. The second was a living being that resembles a slug or a worm, but may be a plant with the ability to move.”

Discovery date: December 11, 2014
Place of discovery: Mars
Photo source:

The living creature resembles a sea slug as you can see in the photos below. The object has no dust or dirt on it, but it is in a place where everything around it is covered in dust and dirt. That means this object is moving.

Did you notice that there is no dirt or dust on this flat object? It will be because it moves.

If it moves, it has to be alive. If it’s alive, then it’s a plant or animal, but I’ve heard of yellow rocks that live and produce rare fluids used for medical purposes (William Rutledge of Apollo covert mission).

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