News Alien – UFOs

The Sassani: HYBRIDS between HUMAN and ALIENS.

The Sassani, that is to say, beings of light, are a humanoid ex̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳ race that live on the planet Essassani, near the O̳r̳i̳o̳n̳ constellation about 500 light years from Earth. They are believed to be a genetic hybrid, between a human from Earth and a Zeta Riticulis.
The Sassani possesses a combination of the best characteristics of the two breeds. They have the telepathic abilities, longevity, sensitivity, scientific and intellectual abilities of the Zeta, as well as the vital emotional, s̳e̳x̳ual and physical aspects of humanity. They also possess the curiosity of the human, and the predilection for the spiritual. They are very personable, rich in humor and fluid in their emotions.

They stand about 5 feet tall, and have shades of gray fur. Only the females have fur, which is white, with a few exceptions. Their heads are not as large proportionally as the Zetas, and their eyes are large.

A representative of the Sassani, by the name of Bashar, which means messenger, has been communicating with Earth, giving much information, for many years, through a man named Daryl Anka. This Sassani being, called Bashar, claims that his planet Essasani, which means place of living light, has approximately 230 million inhabitants, although a significant number of the population now inhabit numerous ships of enormous size. Ships with entire cities inside vary from one to ten miles in length.

There are no major structures on his planet, and it is mostly park-like and very green. The surface of the planet Essasani is used for recreational purposes. The tilt of your planet is three to four degrees, giving a relatively constant temperature throughout the year. They have a 25-hour day, but a year is 454 days long, because they have a hotter Sun and therefore a wider, cooler orbit around them.

Your planet has a very small axial tilt, which ensures that its climate is constant, varying only a few degrees in any direction, around 22 degrees, throughout the year. Your oxygen is richer than ours, and if we went to your planet, we\’d be a little seasick, until we\’ve adapted, but we could live there just fine, with very little adjustment. The Sassani race evolves 10 times faster than us on Earth, due to the size and frequency of their incarnation.

The masculine and feminine energies of the Sassani are balanced. All experience is in the present, and you do not judge past experiences. They do not cause polarities (separate from experience and perception, but exist in the unity of all things and create their own time).

They took a path of evolution, which was learned from other races, mainly from the P̳l̳e̳i̳a̳d̳i̳a̳n̳s̳.

Even though they have a physical world, they don\’t follow the flow of keeping track of time. The Sassani are moving from the fourth to the fifth dimension, in the same way that we are moving from the third to the fourth dimension on earth.

They are a collective, existing on a different frequency of reality, which is coincident, with a parallel reality, 700 years in the future, from a separate timeline.

They have a synchronous c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳, typical of all advanced races. Governments are not required, they operate more through networks, at the individual and group level. People or groups provide a necessary service, in such a way that a monetary or barter system is not necessary. Everything is free. His lifestyle is always very spontaneous, very joyful and very ecstatic.” They emphasize the harmonic number \’three\’. even to the point of having naves with three sides, that is, triangular in shape. They are used to explore the galaxies, planets and get in touch, within the Galactic Federation.

They also use a triangle symbol for communication. If you often see some type of triangle, in your dreams, astral projections, meditations or other deep states, you may be somehow connected to the Sassani collective consciousness.

The Sassani way of creating offspring is between a man and a woman, outside of their bodies, without any physical contact, through a bubble of energy, infused with their idea, and harmonics of the higher mind, spiritual consciousness, where a child, is made up of a single point, like a seed. This happens because a \’body form\’ is within our spirit and not the other way around.

The child, having made the choice to be in Sassani society, grows up and is guided telepathically. At 3 years of age, (in human terms, children can go on their own, learning what they want to learn, because each Sassani always knows where they are, since they are all linked telepathically. They are a family, and in that sense , a child, belongs to every adult, and every adult, belongs to every child.

To help the child learn, they create environments for them to express their emotion and to safely experience the consequences of their actions. The Sassani children are encouraged to discover themselves, in every possible way, using the energy of synchronism, which allows everyone to receive what they need, when they need it.

The Sassani c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳ is also working to ascend their planetary consciousness into a higher state.

The Sassani messenger, Bashar, explains how the energies of the planets and c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳s relate in triads. Our planet Earth, the planet Essassani and the Sirius c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳, is a triad. This is a kind of hierarchy, in which, as humans evolve, and also individual planets, also entire c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳s with planets, move upw̳a̳r̳ds, at the same ascension step frame. This triad acts as a singular consciousness, on another level, through which it connects to another triad, with the Arcturus, and Polaris c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳s.

When the Sassani messenger, Bashar, was asked what the Sassani c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳ is exploring and working for, he replied that their c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳ is working on the idea of ​​understanding different dimensions that they had not encountered before, as a reflection, of their own higher consciousness. He stated that the Sassani c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳ has been assisted with this by non-physical beings that exist in or are connected to the vibrational realm of the Sirius star system.

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