Ukraine’s astronomers report that they have been seeing UFOs ‘everywhere’

An ongoing research effort to observe and document UAPs over Ukraine has reportedly turned up quite a lot of sightings.

The study, which is being conducted by astronomers from the the Main Astronomical Observatory (MAO) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, has been using two meteor stations situated in Kyiv and Vinarivka village to scour the heavens for anything strange or unusual.

Given that Ukraine is a war zone, it is perhaps not unexpected that there should be a lot of planes, drones and other aerial vehicles frequenting the skies over the country, but as it turns out, the researchers have been documenting “a significant number of objects whose nature is not clear”.

The paper’s authors describe two categories of UAP – “cosmics” (which are very luminous objects brighter than the sky) and “phantoms” (very dark objects that appear black against the sky).

These objects were detected numerous times, often in groups of several at a time.

The researchers also recorded some of them moving at considerable speeds.

“Flights of single, group and squadrons of the ships were detected, moving at speeds from 3 to 15 degrees per second,” they wrote.

“Some bright objects exhibit regular brightness variability in the range of 10 – 20 Hz.”

“Two-site observations of UAPs at a base of 120 km with two synchronized cameras allowed the detection of a variable object, at an altitude of 1170 km.”

“It flashes for one hundredth of a second at an average of 20 Hz.”

“Phantoms are observed in the troposphere at distances up to 10 – 12 km. We estimate their size from 3 to 12 meters and speeds up to 15 km/s.”

The report has led to speculation that some of these objects are being operated by foreign powers such as China and could be secretive black projects that nobody currently knows anything about.

Given events in Ukraine, it is not outside the realms of possibility that China could be operating such vehicles there. It’s also possible that these are secretive vehicles operated by the US.

Whatever the case, it seems to have Ukraine’s researchers quite intrigued.

You can read the report for yourself – here.

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