News Alien – UFOs

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This incident would be another among many U̳F̳O̳ sightings carried out by police officers.

What makes an impact is probably one of the few evidences of this class, just that the high-pitched sound emitted by the U̳F̳O̳ could be heard for a few minutes before disappearing completely from the sight of the astonished testicles.

It was a frigid night with a cloud that was the first hours of March 17, 1981, when Sergeant Russell Yokum of the Saint Helens Police Department, Oregon, was driving his patrol along Carretera 30 west of the Columbia River.

Saint Helens is a small town just over 32 kilometers northwest of Portland. At 4:03 a.m., Sgt. Yokum saw a bright light moving over the river towards the Portland Airport.

The planes passed through this area on a regular basis, but this light was extraordinarily bright, so much so that it lit up the river as it was during the day.

It was then when the sergeant told himself that it was not something common that was before his eyes.

Convinced of it, he communicated by radio with the central office while he decided to go closer to the place to find a view.

Near the county courthouse, located on the edge of the Columbia River, it finds a good place from which to follow the trail to the mysterious light.

Refuerzos soon arrived, officers Ricky Cade and Tom McCartney were present there, as were some civilians who had been attracted by the unusual that was happening on the river.

For this reason, Yokum was in contact with Donald Askins, who was in a house across the river in Ridgefield, Washington State, just east of Saints Helens, and had been able to listen to the police report on his citizen band radio.

Because of this, he was nicknamed “Lucky 13” (13 de la suerte) by el sergeant.

Askins said that he had also seen the light and that he was still coming. The light was stationary over the river, illuminating the entire area.

At the beginning, there was a confusion between the officers and the description of the light to Askins. They say that he was going up and down; However, Askins insisted that the light he observed was stationary.

Then it was proved that the light that came to the officers during the first moments of the sighting from the courts came from Isla Sauvie, and it was actually artificial light left by the man.

The niebla had contributed to creating the movement effect. Leaving it clear, the officers finally understood his confusion and directed his view to the south.

There was the light that described “Lucky 13”. What came was at a low altitude over the river, shining in a place where there were only a few dim lights in the surroundings.

In radio communication, the light had heard a strange and high-pitched sound, so the officers were ready to try to record everything with a small portable recorder they had by hand.

Then it was when Askins turned them on to remove the microphone from the window of the rented house where he was, in order to transmit to the officers everything he was witnessing.

At the same time, the police conducted the patrol there was a high risk to achieve a better visualization of the foreign object that emitted the unusual luminosity.

The 30 minutes, recorded on tape and presented at the J. Allen Hynek U̳F̳O̳ Studies Center (CU̳F̳O̳S) for their analysis, show a real-life drama where a group of people try to understand their encounter with the unknown.

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