NASA Ɪmage Showѕ a crasheԀ UFO on Mars

Iп Ԁeвates aвout the existeпce of extraterrestrial life, пo пame has вeeп as coпtroversial as вoв Lazar. Oп May 24, 1989, iп a live iпterview with iпvestigative jourпalist George kпaρρ, Lazar took the first steρs towarԀs вecomiпg oпe of the most iпflueпtial aпԀ coпtroversial figures oп the UFO issue.

Concealing his identity and using the pseudonym “Dennis,” Lazar said that deep inside an unconfirmed section of Area 51 called “S4,” he had worked on an alien spacecraft recovered for the US government.

The American physicist also revealed that, while at Area 51, his job was to reverse engineer an alien material called “element 115” which he claimed was used to power a spacecraft.

Lazar has repeatedly hinted that he managed to seize a fragment of element 115 from Area 51 and that it is of great interest to humanity. However, it appears that the alien ships described by Lazar have appeared on Mars.

UFO crashed on MarsPopular ufologist Scott C. Waring while reviewing NASA images for strange and unusual objects on the surface of Mars saw what appears to be a crashed flying saucer.

In the image (PIA20332), you can see a peculiar circular shape partially buried by dust and protruding from the surface of the red planet.

For Waring, the anomaly is clear evidence of the place where a UFO crashed. As well as being irrefutable proof that the ancient Martian civilization had spaceships.


Specifically, he notes that the strange object appears to consist of a thin disc rim that rises to a thicker interior area and an upper deviation that is not curved but formed with straight lines.


Waring also suggests that the possible flying saucer bears an uncanny resemblance to the vehicle described by Bob Lazar and that he allegedly saw at Area 51.

Which may indicate that there may be some connection between its history and the ancient technologically advanced inhabitants of the red planet. .

The popular ufologist goes on to claim that you can even see windows on the Mars spacecraft. Although it must be said that that observation, like Waring’s conclusion that the anomaly is a spacecraft, is open to one’s own interpretation.


“While searching through some NASA archives. I came across a photo of Mars with a crashed disk, “ Waring wrote on his UFO Sightings Daily blog.

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