THE “GATE OF THE GODS” A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ And The Connection To A Declassified F̳B̳I̳ Document

This mysterious and enigmatic stone monument is testament to the incredible skills of our ancestors who inhabited the region of what is now known as Peru. This massive ‘stargate’ is one of the region’s most striking landmarks, but the truth behind it may be far greater than any thought possible.

The Gate of the Gods was discovered by Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, a local mountain guide who was exploring the area. While enjoying the view of the mountainous region, located in the south of Peru, Mamani came across this structure represented by a giant door, which was carved into the huge rock and measures seven meters high and seven meters wide.

In the center of this door is a mysterious round (or hollow) “hole” that is supposed to be the point where a gold disc was inserted. According to some individuals who have placed their hands on the small door, there is talk of a feeling of energy flow, as well as strange experiences such as visions of stars, pillars of fire and the sound of unusual rhythmic music.

Others said they felt tunnels inside the facility although no one has yet found a crack showing the door opening; on the contrary, the professional opinion is that there is no real door as the frame, entrance and bottom of the niche are all carved from the same rock. Interestingly, the structure undeniably recalls the Porta do Sol de Tiahuanaco and five other archaeological sites that are connected by straight lines, an intersection with lines that intersect at the point where the plateau and Lake Titicaca meet.

Reports from this region over the last twenty years indicate significant U̳F̳O̳ activity in all these areas, especially Lake Titicaca. Most reports describe luminescent blue spheres and bright white disk-shaped objects.

According to some legends, the smaller “door” represents the entrance for mortal souls, while the larger, symmetrical entrance represents the entrance used by the deities to enter our realm. Interestingly Mamani stated that he had dreamed of this structure a long time ago and saw what appeared to be a door covered in pink marble with several figures located on the sides.

Local legends claim that in the distant past an Inca priest named Amaru Muru of the temple of the seven rays escaped from his temple with a sacred golden disc known as “the key of the seven rayed Gods”. The priest hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand with the key of the gods, fearing that the Spaniards would take possession of it.

Later, the priest went to the “Gate of the Gods” in A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ where he showed the key to several priests and shamans in the region. After performing a ritual, the door opened with blue light emanating from it. The priest, Amaru Muru, handed the golden disc to one of the shamans and walked through the door and was never seen again.

These visions are closely linked to the legends of the native Indians of the region who say that this “door” was a “gateway to the land of the Gods”. Legends claim that in the distant past, great heroes crossed the land of the Gods enjoying a prosperous and glorious immortal life.

The Old Gods Possessed Stargate Technology

Is it possible that mysterious places like the “Gate of the Gods” A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ are mysterious monuments that go far beyond our “rational” understanding? Is it possible that like many other monuments, this one is also part of the global network of A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ sites with technology not understood by today’s generation?

The “Gate of the Gods”A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ resembles Puerta del Sol in Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) and five other archaeological sites nearby. M̳y̳s̳t̳e̳r̳i̳o̳u̳s̳ly, if we draw straight lines between the Gate of the Gods “A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳, the Puerta del Sol in Tiwanaku and other archaeological sites, we will obtain a strange cross that unites the center of the plateau of Lake Titicaca, one of the holiest places in the region.

Is it possible that there are “portals” located on Earth connected to other galaxies, planets and dimensions, and that one of those portals is the “Gateway of the Gods” A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳? Is it possible that these A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ texts are more than stories from the past and that there is something genuine and unique about them? We can’t wait to find out more about these mysterious locations and their hidden secrets. If the A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ gate of the gods is indeed an A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ stargate, is it possible that others exist elsewhere on the planet? And if so… where do they lead?

Interestingly, there is a connection between A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳s Gate of the Gods and a document declassified by the F̳B̳I̳ from not long ago, claiming that beings from other dimensions visited Earth. The official F̳B̳I̳ vault link can be found here:

According to F̳B̳I̳ “Declassified” reports and documents, we have been visited by a large number of ex̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳ species or races some of them not only from other planets but also from other dimensions. Some of these beings originated from an ethereal plane co-existing with our physical universe. These “entities”, which could “materialize” on our planet, in the past appeared as giant translucent figures. Even today, mysterious presences or mysterious entities are reported that resemble these figures described in A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ texts.

Could these beings use PORTALS or Stargates like A̳r̳a̳m̳u̳ M̳u̳r̳u̳ to travel between dimensions? There is sufficient evidence that Earth has been visited since A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ times by beings from other Worlds those mistaken for Gods and who possessed the technology of the Stargates.

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